Embark on a nostalgic journey with'Pokémon: Gold Version' for the Nintendo Game Boy Colour. This classic 2000 release lets you explore the Johto region, capturing and training a diverse array of Pokémon along the way. The game is a must-have for enthusiasts of the Boxing sub-genre and collectors alike.
Presented in its original USA boxed packaging,'Pokémon: Gold Version' offers an authentic gaming experience as published by Nintendo. Whether reliving cherished memories or experiencing Johto's charms for the first time, this game promises hours of engaging gameplay and a cherished spot in any gaming library. Pokemon Gold nintendo game boy color game USA version. In excellent shape and kept in almost mint condition.Box is one of the best you will find and comes with everything as when new. I believe the battery will need to be replaced in the cartridge to save however i thought i would leave it as it is so its as unused as possible.